If you perceive yourself
in your endless power,
what will you do?

If you perceive yourself
in your endless power,
what will you do?

If you perceive yourself
in your endless power,
what will you do?

HIAO is a sound that in itself carries the memory of what makes us human and the potential to what we are capable of if we debunk the illusions of personal boundaries.
HIAO Healing is a direct path to perceive ourselves in an immense scale.
We get to know ourselves as an energetic universe, we learn how to take influence on our energetic structure.
It is a tangible miracle, when we unmask the illusions that restrict us – illusions about our evaluations of our self-worth and our life. When we unmask the illusions we experience new possibilities to define ourselves far away from known patterns and belief systems.
HIAO – a path with discipline and the goal to fall in love with the life that we are.
HIAO Single Sessions
Imagine I show you an exercise, where you can feel the whole vitality that flushes through you. And imagine you practice this daily, so that the perception becomes very clear and strong. Do you know what will happen? You will not only feel this energy, you will IDENTIFY yourself with this vitality. You ARE the vitality! What will this mean for your life?
What a human really needs, is somebody who guides him or her to do what he or she is really capable of.
HIAO Open Classes
Practicing together strengthens the sensory perception of the energetic process and the interrelation. The attention to special parts of the body gets stronger. The group helps each other because HIAO consists of practicing the exercises, as well as observing the energetic state afterwards.
HIAO Single Coaching
When you come to a single retreat at Maha Maya Land, you give yourself a very special time, a milestone in your life.
Within 10-20 days you will train your body to realize that only an energetic trained body can channel emotions, use and guide energy and discover the illusions about our self-worth, our needs and life itself.
You will find a place within yourself where you can powerful create your life by yourself.
Parvati Reicher
Tel.: 0043 699 11 044 258

Learn about the Center in Kerala, India.