If you perceive yourself
in your endless power,
what will you do?

If you perceive yourself
in your endless power,
what will you do?

If you perceive yourself
in your endless power,
what will you do?
HIAO for pregnant women
There is probably no other experience, where women are so connected with their strong female energy than while giving birth to a child. When a woman learns to realize this strength inside her, to control it and to indulge in it, it will be an overwhelming experience to give birth. Because giving birth is the greatest inspired process that we can experience as humans.
I accompany pregnant women in learning to observe this energetic condition, to change their energetic condition, and to identify with this great female strength. Thus, birthing can be experienced in a different context, and it can be transformed into an experience capable of influencing the rest of your life immensely because you identify yourself in a different way.

Parvati has the gift to help people to find out about their own gifts, by using her intuition and her spiritual alignment. She feels a deep love to the female strength and accompanies my patients for many years now.
During this special time of pregnancy women gain the approach to their femaleness and motherliness. They find the path to their energetic, spiritual and physical power and learn through HIAO Healing to strengthen the contact to their own transforming body and their unborn child. HIAO Healing and Parvati’s empathy guide the pregnant women in a loving and humorous way – I can only recommend this path for every unborn child and every pregnant woman!
At the beginning of my 5th pregnancy, I was a typical western woman of our time: Running after everything, focused on the outside, comparing. Of course, I was incredibly happy about the pregnancy, though it was an obstacle to my career. Then Parvati came. She guided me away from my wish to fulfill the expectations of our achievement-oriented society. Everything is inside me what I need. She guided me to see this and to value it. To be accompanied by Parvati during pregnancy means finding back to your femaleness. I learned what it really means to be a woman. Now I could completely get into the pregnancy and my unborn child. I did not know this experience before.
The appointments with Parvati did not only help me to perceive the pregnancy and birth as what it really is: a wonder, but also helped me to change my whole attitude to life. I learned to know myself in a much better way and to “feel” my body. Giving birth to my son was the most overwhelming experience I ever had. I am absolute grateful for this experience. I will never forget how happy, euphoric and full of joy I was during my labour. My doctor said he had hardly every seen such a fast and uncomplicated birth of a primipara.
Parvati Reicher
Tel.: 0043 699 11 044 258

Learn about the Center in Kerala, India.